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Quick question about applications?
Find your answers here!
Who do I email when....?
I have a question about my application or the process.....application.avdt@gmail.com
I can't find a mentor and I need help.....mentormentee.avdt@gmail.com
I have a question about requirements, CE, or my packet....credentials.avdt@gmail.com
I have a question about the exam, registration, details....avdtexamchair@gmail.com
I have a question about the website, my account, paying dues....avdtwebsite@gmail.com
I don't know who to ask and I need direction....avdtsecretary@gmail.com
Common Questions
Is the application only available once per year?
Yes! The application for the following calendar year is published on the site in October and applications are accepted until November 30th!
How much does it cost?
Aside from our application fees and dues to the academy, the cost of the program varies based on CE opportunities, travel costs, and other factors out of the academy's control. We cannot predict the total cost, but the time you have before the application becomes available is a good opportunity to prepare for and estimate those costs.
How do I get a mentor?
A list of available mentors will be available to you when you apply to the AVDT. You will be responsible for reaching out to them and asking for their mentorship.
Do I have to work for a boarded dentist to complete my VTS?
The simple answer is no, you do not have to already work for a dentist to meet the requirements. You will need to have a working relationship with a dentist that performs advanced procedures and oral surgery because there are cases of that nature in the requirements. If you can be present for those procedures at another clinic, you can still collect those cases to complete the program.
What can I do with a VTS (Dentistry)?
Having this distinction and experience can open many doors for you! You can write and be published in textbooks, journals, and more. You can teach clinical skills in veterinary clinics and continuing education events. You can participate in research. You can run your own consulting and teaching business. More than anything, though, you will have the greatest sense of accomplishment that you completed this certification and worked hard for all your experience and knowledge.
What is the pay scale for a VTS (Dentistry)?
Unfortunately, there is no way for us to predict that for you. This varies geographically and across the different types of clinical settings you may work in. There are many options to generate income with a VTS, however, so clinical practice is not the only salary to consider.
How can I get a VTS (Dentistry) to teach my staff how to take dental radiographs?
See our About menu for a list of AVDT members by geographic location. Members that are available for on-site clinical training will have their email address linked to their name. Many of our members travel to provide training, so you may still contact the nearest member to your clinic.